Opening of Lancashire’s Memory Care unit garners media attention

Ribbon cutting photo at Lancashire

The opening of the Rappahannock Memory Care Unit at Lancashire Nursing and Rehabilitation Center received coverage in several local publications. The opening was celebrated during a ribbon-cutting ceremony March 5, 2025, at Lancashire and was attended by the Lancashire team, members from Virginia Health Services leadership team and community members including  Lancaster by the Bay Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Leslie Jingluski.

Coverage includes articles from the Tidewater Review, Gloucester Gazette-Journal and Rappahannock Record.

“Memory Care center opens in the Northern Neck” (Tidewater Review/Daily Press, March 12, 2025):

“Rappahannock Memory Care Unit to open at Lancashire Nursing and Rehabilitation Center” (Rappahannock Record, January 29, 2025):

“Ribbon cutting postponed for Memory Care Unit in Kilmarnock” (Gloucester Gazette-Journal, January 29, 2025):

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